• Keeping it real

    So This is 40

    I remember being a kid and thinking 40 was so old. Maybe 10 years ago I remember thinking how different life would be by the time I was 40. Well it is! But in such a fantastic way. Not in the way I expected.

    My husband and I just got back from a weekend away together. I’d love to say we do that all the time- but we almost never do. One of the reasons we left California was with the hopes of more time together- more traveling and more dates! It’s taking us a little while to get into that groove, but this weekend was a great start.

    At some point on Friday night I looked at my husband and said “We ARE still fun!” I had truly forgotten that I could let loose and be care free. It’s easy to forget when you are up to your chin in responsibilities. My mind is constantly spinning with where the kids need to be, what bills need to be paid, and what in the house needs to be taken care of. We forget that we can be sexy and fun!!!

    “They” say that your marriage needs to come first, but it’s hard. It’s hard to prioritize a date over stuff that the kids need. But this weekend was a wake up call. I feel reconnected to my husband. I found a piece of me that’s been missing for a few years. We even renewed our vows with Elvis while we were there. I mean- why not?

    Last night we came home from Vegas, and both our children are sick with the flu. Today, my actual birthday, was spent with both kids-sitting on the couch watching movies and doing crafts. Tonight I cooked dinner with my Mom, and plan to enjoy it together along with my husband tonight. I can’t complain.

    I’m realizing more and more how many hats I wear. My Mom hat has been a BIG GIANT TEXAS hat…..but my wife, friend, daughter hats are big too. I need to find more balance in my life. I’ve always worked hard and played hard- but we need to play MORE! We are planning our next weekend get away to keep this trend going. I have 2 girls trips in the works for this year too- can’t wait.

    I’ve been dreading turning 40, but now that it’s here I’m thrilled. Shakira and J-Lo reminded me in their performance last week that being 40 doesn’t mean I need to hang up my sexy hat and stay home and drink tea (though I do love tea!) I need to make more time to enjoy life! I’ve got a lot of great things going on in my life- AND a lot more to figure out. But, I have a great feeling about this decade! 40- I’m ready to embrace you!