
$3 Kids Art Wall

If your kids are anything like mine, they are constantly creating things. Mine are currently on a painting kick. My daughter received several paints and small canvases for her birthday. The pile of art has been collecting and I wanted to display them, but avoid putting a bunch of holes in the wall. Here is my blank wall that needed some life!

I ventured to the Dollar Store for twine and clothespins. I lucked out and they had both! So $3 later I had all my supplies.

Next up was finding the studs. I used my trusty stud finder. Hubs wan’t home so I was spared his stud finder joke (see blog about our picture gallery if you haven’t read it). As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, hanging things is not my specialty, and this was no exception.

I decided screws would be the best base for the twine. It would create grip for the twine and screw right into the studs….. hopefully. I found the studs on each end of the wall, measured down 3 feet from the ceiling and marked my spot. I angled the screws towards the middle of the wall so the twine would not slip off. The first screw went in perfect! The second one too! I tied the twine to each screw and perfection!! First one done! I hung our lightweight paintings with the smaller clothespins.

Next, I measured up 1.5 feet from the screw that was already in. Surely the stud existed there too. Nope! The screw started to go in like the others and then…… it sunk all the way in. I worked it out and decided to make due with it. It seemed pretty secure despite the lack of stud. The other screw went into a stud. 3 out of 4 is pretty good for me. This twine would hang the canvases which were heavier, so I wrapped it around twice to add more support. I then used the larger clothespins to hang them.

I’m thrilled with the look. It’s organized and colorful! For minimal effort and money, our office is looking personalized! The kids lit up when they got home and saw it. So- Mission accomplished!