About Jessi

I’m a wife and a mom. I’ve been a dancer my whole life….. so that seems to be my identity. I’m a choreographer, dance teacher and Pilates trainer. But who AM I? Great question….. I think I’m still trying to figure that out.

My passions fall with raising my kids, and finding ways to fight against the negative ways the world is changing. I want to raise some kick-ass humans- and I feel like my husband and I are doing a pretty good job so far.

I’ve always been well liked…. not popular, but well liked. I seem to be easy to talk to, and I get along with just about everyone. BUT, I’m pretty picky about who I call my true and authentic friends. So moving out of state, and trying to find “my people” is my current struggle. I miss having friends that you don’t feel like you have to tidy up for before they come over. I miss friends that you can have no make up or bra on, and it’s all good.

At the end of the day I want to be remembered for being thoughtful, fun and authentic. Hopefully this blog will help me see through the fog a bit and find clarity in this world. I always tell my kids, not everyone is going to like you, no matter how awesome you are. So I hope those that do enjoy me, will read and enjoy, and the others will find other ways to fill their cup of life! Enjoy!

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