Heavy Periods- Taboo Topic?
I spent about a year dealing with ridiculously terrible periods. By ridiculous I mean horrible. I mean bleed through your pants all over your white comforter kind. I mean periods lasting 4-6 weeks. I mean always bringing a sweatshirt with you in case you bleed through the ULTRA TAMPON you put in right before you left the house. Yes- really that bad.
After a few months of rough periods I went to the doctor. She did some blood work and we agreed to watch it for a few more months. Things only got worse so I went back. They did an ultrasound and discovered a fibroid. Super common and not a big deal, but it can cause the heavy bleeding. The doctor nonchalantly told me I could get a hysterectomy, or try ablation…. (the list went on but I didn’t hear her because all I heard was HYSTERECTOMY).
That seemed so extreme. Surgery??? The bleeding was bad but that seemed crazy to me.
I opted to try a different birth control and planned to skip the “sugar” pills and see if my period would just go away. Wishful thinking. It was great for 9 weeks and then BAM! Crazy heavy bleeding for 5 weeks.
Keep in mind that I teach dance and Pilates. I would find myself rushing to the bathroom because I could feel the blood clots coming out of me. At a dance rehearsal I looked down to see that I had bled through my shorts. I knew if I jumped too much I would bleed during dance so I was forced to hold back.
I went back to the doctor and they did another ultrasound and determined that the location of my fibroid indicated that it was not the cause of my bleeding….. so what now? She suggested that I stop skipping the “sugar” pills and take it the regular way and try and get my body back to a normal routine. I was doubtful this would work. I remember asking “What if this doesn’t work?” and the doctor said “I’m really confident it will work.”
The following week was “sugar” pill week and I took them as prescribed. 4 days later, it all went to hell. I started with some minimal spotting and thought that was normal. The next thing I knew I was passing golf ball size clots. The clots started getting bigger and bigger by the hour. I bled through my clothes and decided to take a shower to clean up. As I attempted to clean myself with the shower head, the blood would not stop- it was continuing to flow non-stop. Now I was scared.
On the way to the ER I passed out and did not come to. My amazing friend Nicole pulled over, called 911 and began mouth to mouth since I did not seem to be breathing. I woke up and remained in a daze as she drove the remaining mile to the hospital.
Long story short, I ended up needing 3 blood transfusions and spent the night in the hospital. They gave me some medication to stop the bleeding and told me to go back to my OB.
That event scared me enough to do something that I had previously thought was dramatic. My OB agreed that a hysterectomy was the only way to ensure my ER trip would never happen again.
As I started to share about my heavy period, ER story, and decision about getting a hysterectomy with my clients and friends, I was floored how many could relate. Countless comments of “Oh my best friend just had that surgery,” “I had a hysterectomy last year,” “I ended up in the ER for the same reason a few years ago,” “Oh yes, I had an ablation to take care of that same issue,” “Yeah my Mom just had a hysterectomy.”
REALLY?? Why did I think I didn’t know ANYONE that was going through my awful year of period torture- yet it now seemed so common?! Why is no one talking about this? Why did I think a hysterectomy was not a common surgery? Why was I not sharing how terrible my year had been with most people (other then my closest friends)? Why as women are we not sharing our stories more so others don’t feel so alone?
Well that is why I am sharing my story. I did end up getting a hysterectomy and I couldn’t be happier. I spent the last year so stressed about my period. It was interfering in my exercise, sex life, and overall stress level. I was trying to deal with it the best I could until that ER trip. Once those heavy periods became life threatening, the game changed.
If you are dealing with the same thing- find a good OB. I went through a handful this last year trying to find an answer. Between office visits, my ER trip, and a few consultations, I met several. I had numerous ultrasounds and bloodwork done. No one ever found the reason WHY I was having the heavy bleeding. At this point I’m just happy it’s over. I pray my daughter doesn’t deal with the same thing. But I will share my story with her and others.
Talk of heavy periods, clotting, and all things vagina need to be shared among us women! You are not alone if you are carrying a sweatshirt with you everywhere just in case you bleed through. I see you and understand the struggle. Keep talking to doctors until you find a solution that works for you. And talk to your friends- I bet someone else is going through the same thing.
November 2020- Hysterectomy -
Schedule? What Schedule?
Covid-19…… what a mess. The list is endless of the terrible impact it has had on the world. Our lives have been turned upside down in so many ways. My heart aches for those that have lost loved ones, lost their jobs, lost their way in life. It has been a roller-coaster at our household, which is why I haven’t written anything in months.
I’m a planner. A scheduler. A color-coded calendar enthusiast. To say this lack of ability to plan has been a struggle for me is an understatement. I went from a carefully created schedule to a blank Google Calendar. My work was shut down and the kids were stuck home. Nothing was open and there was no date telling us when it would all reopen. We still have no idea when “normal” begins again- unless of course this is the new normal.
I really struggled at first at my inability to make a schedule. I didn’t know how to not plan ahead. I was so stressed even though (in some ways) my life was the calmest it had been in forever. Why couldn’t I just sit back, relax, and enjoy some down time? I wish I knew why. I wish I could just throw my feet up and veg out- but not being productive is not natural to me.
I spent the first month painting my kitchen cabinets… should have taken more pictures and more videos…. would have made a great blog entry- but I didn’t. I kept thinking I might need to go back to work… the kids might go back to school…. my vacation might still happen….. but none of those things happened.
We are 6 months in. The kids school has partially opened. My work re-opened, got shut down, and has reopened again. Some things seem normal- but most things do not. I still think that at any moment all this could get taken away again. The school could close, my work could close, we could get sick! Constant worry over things I have no control over is exhausting. BUT- I do think I’m getting better at managing it.
I make plans in pencil now. I don’t assume next week will look like this week anymore. I’m prepared for the worst but hoping for the best. I’m also watching my kids handle all this better then me. They have their moments- don’t get me wrong. However, they are adjusting to a lack of planning, a lack of schedule, and the reality that things can change at any moment. Hearing them excited to GO to school was heart-warming. They hated online school and I will remind them how much they love GOING to school when the novelty wears off.
I’m getting better with going with the flow. I haven’t mastered this way of life but I’m getting better! We have to adjust or Covid wins another battle.
I hope you and your families are healthy with full tummies. I feel for those getting lost in the shuffle- it simply isn’t fair. I hope that soon we are all back to some sort of normal where all kids are getting the education they need and parents are able to earn the money they need to survive. 2021 HAS to be better- but I won’t plan on it. Making plans is no longer realistic.
DIY- Nerf Gun Wall
Since we are stuck at home due to the Coronavirus, we figured it was time to tackle some of those projects around the house that we have been putting off. First up- Nerf Gun Wall!
I’ve seen several of these online. In theory it seemed pretty easy- and for the most part it was. There was only a little bit of cussing on my husbands part. It took us about an hour-start to finish.
The pre-cut peg board we found at Home Depot was about $20. It measured 8 feet by 4 feet. We planned to hang it horizontally, but we worried about electrical lines running just above the light switch…..
Jason of course responded with the usual “Found him!” when I asked if he needed the stud finder. The stud finder indicated that there might be electrical there, so we opted to hang it vertically, which I think worked out for the best.
We used anchors, long screws, a thick nut, and a small washer. These materials we had already. You need to leave space behind the pegboard so you can fit in the holders. Now the fun started.
We figured out where we wanted it- I held it in place while Jason marked the holes with a pencil. We lowered it and he put in the anchors. Then I attempted to hold it up while he placed the screw in place. This is where it all went south.
The challenge is that you need to place the large nut behind the board while attempting to balance the board in place. When he would bend the board forward to get the materials in place, the entire board would shift, making it really hard to hold still. After a few attempts, and glares, and choice words, we decided we needed to tackle this in another way.
I wanted to simply stack some books under the base of the peg board to make it easier to hold the weight….. but Jason found a better way (though it required a lot more effort). He cut the heads off of 3 nails, and placed nails in the anchors so we could temporarily hang the board while we put each screw in. It worked really well. I hate when he’s right.
After one was in, it was easy from there. We did 3 across the top, 2 on the sides, and 2 at the bottom. I think 1 in the center of the board would be good, but we ran out of supplies at that point. When we can venture out again, I’ll buy some.
I got 2 different styles of hooks to hold the guns, and both worked really well. The straight forward pegs are great for higher up. My son can easily hook the gun over head by the trigger or handle. The cradle style is great for the ones in easier reach. I also bought a basket to hold his ammo. I put this low where he would sit and load up the nerf guns.
The best part of the entire project was watching my husband go up and down the step-stool with his amazing sock tan. He really needs some barefoot time outside.
Total cost was $47. We had our own nuts, and screws etc… so a few more bucks for those supplies and it’s still a pretty cheap project.
The struggle will now be making sure our son puts the guns in their holding spot daily. My guess is the easy part is done and now the parenting part, the hard part, begins.
So This is 40
I remember being a kid and thinking 40 was so old. Maybe 10 years ago I remember thinking how different life would be by the time I was 40. Well it is! But in such a fantastic way. Not in the way I expected.
My husband and I just got back from a weekend away together. I’d love to say we do that all the time- but we almost never do. One of the reasons we left California was with the hopes of more time together- more traveling and more dates! It’s taking us a little while to get into that groove, but this weekend was a great start.
At some point on Friday night I looked at my husband and said “We ARE still fun!” I had truly forgotten that I could let loose and be care free. It’s easy to forget when you are up to your chin in responsibilities. My mind is constantly spinning with where the kids need to be, what bills need to be paid, and what in the house needs to be taken care of. We forget that we can be sexy and fun!!!
“They” say that your marriage needs to come first, but it’s hard. It’s hard to prioritize a date over stuff that the kids need. But this weekend was a wake up call. I feel reconnected to my husband. I found a piece of me that’s been missing for a few years. We even renewed our vows with Elvis while we were there. I mean- why not?
Last night we came home from Vegas, and both our children are sick with the flu. Today, my actual birthday, was spent with both kids-sitting on the couch watching movies and doing crafts. Tonight I cooked dinner with my Mom, and plan to enjoy it together along with my husband tonight. I can’t complain.
I’m realizing more and more how many hats I wear. My Mom hat has been a BIG GIANT TEXAS hat…..but my wife, friend, daughter hats are big too. I need to find more balance in my life. I’ve always worked hard and played hard- but we need to play MORE! We are planning our next weekend get away to keep this trend going. I have 2 girls trips in the works for this year too- can’t wait.
I’ve been dreading turning 40, but now that it’s here I’m thrilled. Shakira and J-Lo reminded me in their performance last week that being 40 doesn’t mean I need to hang up my sexy hat and stay home and drink tea (though I do love tea!) I need to make more time to enjoy life! I’ve got a lot of great things going on in my life- AND a lot more to figure out. But, I have a great feeling about this decade! 40- I’m ready to embrace you!
Picture Perfect- only not
This time of year we are flooded with Christmas cards where families look picture perfect- showcasing their best selves. I too sent one of those cards. I mean, who wants to send out a picture of reality???
A perfect example is our photo with Santa. It is super cute.
What it doesn’t show is the lead up to that photo. It started with a trip to Target to get a nice button down for my son and a new pair of PJs for his school performance (that was the costume). What ensued at Target was a back and forth struggle over what PJs would look good at school.
I got so frustrated with my 8 year old. Here I was offering to get him Fortnite pajamas and he was being difficult about it. I told him if he didn’t see what he wanted then his old PJs would have to do! There were tears…. more tears…. and threats made.
I complimented my 5 year old daughter on how patient she was waiting for her brother to get his act together. 20 minutes later we had come to a decision. With an irritated huff I tell them, “let’s go!” and we head to the self check out.
Mid scanning my 2 items I look beside me and only my son is there. I tell him to go back to the end cap where we just were and get his sister. He does and quickly returns to tell me “she isn’t there.” My heart sank. I grabbed my stuff, double checked that she wasn’t still staring at Frozen items, and then yelled her name. No response. I went to the $1 section, and then I see her- RE-ENTERING Target from OUTSIDE, tears streaming, with a woman holding her hand. I yell out to her and she comes running. I hug her and thank the woman as I start to cry.
We had a long talk about how I would NEVER leave the store without her and she should NEVER look for me outside. She thought I had walked out and she was trying to catch up. My mind swarmed with all the things that could have happened, but thankfully did not.
So now that ALL THREE of us had cried at Target, we head home to change. My daughter puts on the dress I set out, and then the shit show of getting my son to wear pants began. He’s starts losing his mind over the fact that I want him to wear jeans with the new button down. I tell him I only pick his outfit twice a year, and this is one of those times. He runs over to the Santa pictures I have hanging chronologically in the living room. “No, I wore shorts the last 2 years when we saw Santa. See???”
I officially lose my cool. I tell him I don’t care anymore (not true), and I’m not going to buy the picture anyway (lie), and why doesn’t anyone ever do what Mom wants (really mature I know), and to hurry your ass the hell up (not proud of that moment). But it’s real people. It’s real.
He goes and gets dressed in a cute button down, faded sweat shorts, and socks in two different colors. I swear it was his version of giving me the finger.
The whole car ride we are in silence. I am in my mind saying “Calm down Jessi. It’s just shorts. It doesn’t matter. Enjoy these special Christmas moments!” Some deep breaths later we arrive at the mall. We find Santa and walk right up. And what does Santa say???? Can you guess???? “Nice shorts buddy! I like em!” Insert palm to head here. I had to laugh. Yes I bought the picture, and added it to the string of pictures with my son in an outfit I didn’t pick.
My son and I hugged and both apologized for our crappy behavior. I can’t stay mad at that kid. And over what? A picture? Some shorts? These things don’t really matter. Big hugs to my Moms out there that can relate. Even if you lose one kid at Target AND cuss at the other one in the same day- you still aren’t doing too bad. I’ll aim to do better tomorrow- promise.
So take these Christmas photos with a grain of salt. Our Santa picture shows no indication of a struggle to get there. We are ALL struggling sometimes. Parenting is tough- especially around the holidays. Enjoy the holidays, and all its imperfections!
Don’t Be That Guy…..
It’s that wonderful time of year full of holiday festivities! There are countless Christmas events, parties and performances. I swear it brings out the best… and worst in people. The happier people seem extra cheerful and the grumpy people extra pissed off.
Tonight we went to my son’s 2nd grade holiday performance at school. His “costume” was pajamas and holiday accessories. He was decked out and looked adorable. We dropped him off at his classroom and went to find some seats.
We had to sit in the back row, but I knew my son was on one of the top risers and I would still be able to see him. We anxiously waited in the auditorium for all the kids to enter.
As they walked into the stage area, parents frantically waved at their kids. Kyler spotted us and we waved as he gave us a nervous smile. He’s super outgoing, but these performances at school seem to always make him uneasy.
Parents stood up and took pictures of their kids standing with their classmates. We all love our kids and want to capture all the special moments. I get it. But there always has to be a few parents that take it too far. And we witnessed just this as the show began.
See exhibit A. Please don’t be this guy at the Christmas show.
Exhibit A For ALMOST THE ENTIRE SHOW he held his phone up high, destroying our line of sight to the stage. Of the 30 minute performance he put his phone down a couple of times, totaling maybe 5 minutes. These breaks were while children that clearly weren’t his, recited their lines. I also think he was resting his arms. It’s hard work holding a phone above shoulder height that long!
Had he been sitting in the back row, I’d be more understanding. Yet even us, sitting in the back row, had people standing behind us that we wanted to be respectful of. There were numerous people trying to shift their angle to see better, strictly because he needed to film every second that his daughter was singing or saying her lines onstage.
It took everything in my husband not to smack the phone down out of his hands. It was just so inconsiderate to all of us sitting behind him. I honestly think he didn’t even consider looking behind himself to see if he would be obstructing anyone’s view. I just don’t understand this behavior in grown ups.
I was digging deep to find the words to ask nicely that he stop being a self centered asshole- but couldn’t find the right words. In my experience, people this oblivious don’t usually respond well when confronted. I didn’t want to make a scene…. and I was happy listening and leaning just the right way to see my son onstage. Insert eye roll here.
So please, don’t be that guy at the show. Everyone in the audience is there to see someone they love. Not just you. Take your picture or your quick video, and then WATCH! Enjoy the moment people! Oh and, Happy Holidays!
RSVP people! It’s just rude not to
Since it’s that time of year with plenty of party invitations making their way to your home, I think many of us need a little reminder about RSVP etiquette.
So back home I had a cell phone number and/or email address for just about every one of my kids friends’ parents. Relationships among the parents had been established through preschool, activities, field trips etc. When we threw a party, I had a way to reach out if they didn’t RSVP.
I get it! People are busy! We all have a million things we are trying to do. So I would send a quick text or email checking in if they were coming. After all, most birthday party places require a headcount in advance. I also need to know how many goody bags to put together (or my alternative to goody bags- that blog coming soon). And for home parties, I had a menu to plan and needed a realistic headcount so we wouldn’t be eating leftover hot dogs and chips for the next month.
But now we have relocated to a new home and the game has changed. Both kids are in new schools, and I know very few parents at both schools. I can’t just reach out with a text or email anymore.
First up was my daughter’s birthday party. I let her pick 6 friends from school to invite. I followed the school rules and sent the invitations in her folder to school where the teacher then put them in the corresponding kid’s folders. A week went by and we had only heard from 1 child. I waited another week, and then sent a follow up card to the kids who had not responded, as well as a couple of new invites since I was worried about not having enough friends at her party. We heard back from 1 of those parents. The others still did not text me with a simple “sorry we can’t make it.” It’s just courteous to let a host know! I wasn’t sure if they might just show up.
I’m sure there are parents who thought we had invited the whole class and so it didn’t matter. But Lyla had selected only her best little friends from school, and I couldn’t tell her why they weren’t coming. She seems to be well liked at school, so I didn’t think that was the issue. I was able to track down one mom at school who said they would be coming. By party day we were expecting 3, and then 2 cancelled last minute due to illness. Lyla ended up with only 1 friend from school. I was so disappointed and she was sad too. Luckily our awesome neighbor friends were all here and she ended up with a super fun party. She bonded a lot with the 1 friend from school, and they have continued a close friendship.
Next up was my son Kyler’s birthday last week. He picked 8 friends from school, and we followed protocol once again with folder delivery. This time I added a date to RSVP by the Monday before the party. Yet again, 5 parents just didn’t reply at all. He asked me if they were coming and I told him that I assumed no since they didn’t RSVP, but I wasn’t sure. Again our awesome neighbors beefed up the headcount and he had an awesome party.
We all have busy lives. I understand not attending every party your kid is invited to. However, RSVP does not mean reply if you can…… it means please respond with a yes or a no.
I’ve heard many parents complain about this issue so I felt I should bring it to light. It happens for all occasions, including weddings! For my kids, I was hoping to meet more of the parents from their schools, and create a larger community of friends here in our new home. It was a missed opportunity to start that process.
All in all, it was a lesson on expectations. I know the game has changed for us, at least until we know more people here. We were blessed in the fact that the people that came were fantastic! We made a few new friends, and both our kids were thrilled with their parties. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters.
Mutual respect is awesome- so just RSVP. Come if you can, and politely decline if you can’t. Your Mom will be proud of your manners.
$3 Kids Art Wall
If your kids are anything like mine, they are constantly creating things. Mine are currently on a painting kick. My daughter received several paints and small canvases for her birthday. The pile of art has been collecting and I wanted to display them, but avoid putting a bunch of holes in the wall. Here is my blank wall that needed some life!
I ventured to the Dollar Store for twine and clothespins. I lucked out and they had both! So $3 later I had all my supplies.
Next up was finding the studs. I used my trusty stud finder. Hubs wan’t home so I was spared his stud finder joke (see blog about our picture gallery if you haven’t read it). As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, hanging things is not my specialty, and this was no exception.
I decided screws would be the best base for the twine. It would create grip for the twine and screw right into the studs….. hopefully. I found the studs on each end of the wall, measured down 3 feet from the ceiling and marked my spot. I angled the screws towards the middle of the wall so the twine would not slip off. The first screw went in perfect! The second one too! I tied the twine to each screw and perfection!! First one done! I hung our lightweight paintings with the smaller clothespins.
Next, I measured up 1.5 feet from the screw that was already in. Surely the stud existed there too. Nope! The screw started to go in like the others and then…… it sunk all the way in. I worked it out and decided to make due with it. It seemed pretty secure despite the lack of stud. The other screw went into a stud. 3 out of 4 is pretty good for me. This twine would hang the canvases which were heavier, so I wrapped it around twice to add more support. I then used the larger clothespins to hang them.
I’m thrilled with the look. It’s organized and colorful! For minimal effort and money, our office is looking personalized! The kids lit up when they got home and saw it. So- Mission accomplished!
DIY-Family Picture Gallery
I’m a little obsessed with family pictures- so we have a ton. In our previous home I had an entire wall full of framed family photos. If your picture made it on the wall- that meant you were family. BUT, with our move I was feeling motivated to create a cleaner more organized look. I wish I remember where I saw the idea- but the perfect solution seemed to be to make a picture gallery.
Once again, my husband doubted that this was a great idea. (You will see he is never really on-board with any of my DIY projects- but he is always so impressed when they end up really good!) I purchased the shelves on amazon (link to the exact ones I bought is at the bottom of the blog).
I am skilled at many things. However, measuring and hanging things both do not fall on my list of talents. I’ve left many holes, in many walls, from multiple attempts to get things even, in a stud, or centered. I didn’t want to mess this one up so I played assistant to my husband on this project.
We went back and forth on the placement of the shelves. Parallel lines? 1 straight line? Staggered? I was leaning to parallel lines while hubs liked the staggered idea. He convinced me to try it his way and the measuring began.
The shelves come with pre-drilled holes, but they don’t necessarily line up with your studs. In other words, be prepared to do some extra work. EVERY time we use a stud finder, my husband will scan the room with it and then point to himself and say “Beep! Beep! Beep! I found the stud!” Insert eye roll and head shake by me here. He really does it EVERY time. His Dad joke game is pretty good. You will see as you read more of my posts that he keeps things fun and interesting. One of the many reasons I put up with the fact that he can’t seem to remember to put his damn dishes directly in the dishwasher. Anyway, I’m getting off topic.
We made sure there was enough room between shelves for our taller pictures, and enough space if we put a couch against that wall. Not gonna lie, that room still has no furniture in it- it’s on the project list! We had to use anchors for about half the screws. Once completed they all felt sturdy and not only looked, but were level. This is by no means thanks to me- my husband gets the credit here.
I then organized the frames on the floor to determine where they would go- a mixture of tall and short frames on each shelf. I removed some from the original pile, as I realized we had way too many. A few special pictures I hung solo on other walls, giving them special attention, rather then mixed in with the gallery.
I’ve received a lot of compliments on my gallery wall. The best part is as I want to change pictures and frames, it will require NO extra holes in the wall. I could also change the decor at Christmas time for other pictures or artwork- lot’s of possibilities.
Here is our end product- I love the look. It makes use of our vaulted ceilings and presentation of lot’s of pictures. It took about an hour and a half to hang the shelves (would have taken much longer doing it by myself). It took me another 45 minutes or so to decide where every picture would go. I also changed them a few times after thinking I was done. As far as the placement of the shelves, my husband was right, I love the staggered shelves. Man I hate when he’s right!
Get our look! This is what we ordered on amazon!
Our new neighborhood
We were really nervous moving into our new neighborhood…. would the new neighbors be cool? Will we fit in? Well the short answer is yes and yes!
I’d love to give Arizona the credit for our amazing neighborhood, but really I think it’s luck of the draw no matter where you are. All but one of our immediate 8 neighbors came over and introduced themselves within a week of us living here. We helped the situation by spending a lot of time in our front yard, making us more approachable.
Cut to last Sunday where I counted 8 kids in my living room. Many of them just walk in without knocking, help themselves to water, and leave their shoes laying around like they live here. And I love it. I may have to vacuum a bit more, and wash some extra cups, but it’s worth it. My kids have several houses to choose from with kids to play with. We definitely didn’t have that before. It’s loud and its fantastic.
Several nights a week you will also find all these kids riding their bikes and scooters in the culdesac. Most have outfitted their bikes with lights, so we can stay out even now that it’s dark early. I love the sound of kids playing outside. I love that they are being active (like kids used to) and not sitting around playing video games. The parents are outside too- all of us chatting or bitching, or just catching up. On the weekends you will find us gathered outside, drink in hand, while the kids run the court. I love getting more adult time, while my kids are active.
So many people say that kids never play outside anymore. That was the case in our old neighborhood, but we were also on a busy street. I love the culdesac life, with less worry about kids getting plowed over. Our kids have very limited screen time, and I think most of the time they would rather run the neighborhood with their friends anyway. They are riding bikes, roller skating (well my 5 year old is trying to), having nerf gun battles, and playing tag. It’s a glimpse at the old normal…. the way things were when we were kids- wow I sound old!
If you don’t know your neighbors it’s never too late to open up the conversation. The holidays are a great excuse to drop off a card or goodies, and meet them. We knew all our neighbors in our old neighborhood- unfortunately there weren’t a bunch of kids in those households. Now our kids are blessed with multiple houses with kids to play with.
There are many days where I still question our choice to move. I miss my friends and family back home. But, it’s days like last Sunday, when my house is full of kids playing hide-and-seek, and then later riding bikes in the court- that I smile. THIS is why we moved. THIS is a better quality of life for my kids- and for us.
Just a normal Thursday evening!