Keeping it real

Don’t Be That Guy…..

It’s that wonderful time of year full of holiday festivities! There are countless Christmas events, parties and performances. I swear it brings out the best… and worst in people. The happier people seem extra cheerful and the grumpy people extra pissed off.

Tonight we went to my son’s 2nd grade holiday performance at school. His “costume” was pajamas and holiday accessories. He was decked out and looked adorable. We dropped him off at his classroom and went to find some seats.

We had to sit in the back row, but I knew my son was on one of the top risers and I would still be able to see him. We anxiously waited in the auditorium for all the kids to enter.

As they walked into the stage area, parents frantically waved at their kids. Kyler spotted us and we waved as he gave us a nervous smile. He’s super outgoing, but these performances at school seem to always make him uneasy.

Parents stood up and took pictures of their kids standing with their classmates. We all love our kids and want to capture all the special moments. I get it. But there always has to be a few parents that take it too far. And we witnessed just this as the show began.

See exhibit A. Please don’t be this guy at the Christmas show.

Exhibit A

For ALMOST THE ENTIRE SHOW he held his phone up high, destroying our line of sight to the stage. Of the 30 minute performance he put his phone down a couple of times, totaling maybe 5 minutes. These breaks were while children that clearly weren’t his, recited their lines. I also think he was resting his arms. It’s hard work holding a phone above shoulder height that long!

Had he been sitting in the back row, I’d be more understanding. Yet even us, sitting in the back row, had people standing behind us that we wanted to be respectful of. There were numerous people trying to shift their angle to see better, strictly because he needed to film every second that his daughter was singing or saying her lines onstage.

It took everything in my husband not to smack the phone down out of his hands. It was just so inconsiderate to all of us sitting behind him. I honestly think he didn’t even consider looking behind himself to see if he would be obstructing anyone’s view. I just don’t understand this behavior in grown ups.

I was digging deep to find the words to ask nicely that he stop being a self centered asshole- but couldn’t find the right words. In my experience, people this oblivious don’t usually respond well when confronted. I didn’t want to make a scene…. and I was happy listening and leaning just the right way to see my son onstage. Insert eye roll here.

So please, don’t be that guy at the show. Everyone in the audience is there to see someone they love. Not just you. Take your picture or your quick video, and then WATCH! Enjoy the moment people! Oh and, Happy Holidays!