Keeping it real

Haunting Words

When you tell people you are moving out of state, everyone has an opinion.

“WHY would you leave California??”

“I’m so jealous! I wish I could leave!”

“Your poor Mom! She’s going to miss her Grandkids!”

“You can probably get a mansion there!”

“You know how hot it is in Arizona??”

Most of the comments were not super positive. I like to think that’s because people didn’t want us to leave. But it was draining at times. I took some comments too personally due to the emotions of leaving. One comment really stuck with me for some reason.

The words that still haunt me at times came from a friend. “I just think I would be hanging out in my big ass house, and be like, Great! I have no family or friends here. What’s the point of that?” I understood why she was saying that, and it was one of my biggest fears. We majorly upgraded the home we live in by moving- but yes we don’t have all the local family to share it with as regularly. BUT, we have had SO many visitors in the short time we have been here. Why? Because they LOVE us! Haha- true. But also we have a guest room now! My mother in law pointed out that she felt like she got more time with the kids by visiting for 3 short days, then when she stayed a week at a hotel. She was here for tuck in and wake up…… and everything in between.

At times I still struggle with some of the comments I received from people before we moved…… but I know we did the right thing for us. It will take awhile for all the pieces to fall into place. Sometimes I do sit in my big house and feel really lonely, and wonder what the hell we did. But most of the time I’m happy with our new life here in Arizona!

One Comment

  • Les

    I think we got most of the same comments accept we got “You know it’s gonna rain A LOT in Portland” But d@mn it IS pretty hot in AZ (hehe) which is why your friends will just have to visit to thaw out every once in a while. People may make you feel insane for wanting to and actually leaving but you know you need to explore this new path and see where it takes you.