Keeping it real

Leaving California

Being born and raised in California, I swore I would never leave. Why would I? Family is close…. the weather is amazing… there is so much to do…. we have a community of friends…. but time took its toll on my relationship with California.   

 My husband was working 2 jobs just so we could be comfortable. I was working a little more then part time, and taking care of our 2 kids. We weren’t taking lavish vacations, or splurging on crazy nights out- yet we were JUST getting by. How is that possible? 

 California is an expensive place to live. There seemed to be no end in sight to the cost of living. Gas prices and taxes were climbing constantly. After months and months of discussion, we finally made the decision to move. Our home had doubled in value in the 9 years we had owned it, so we knew we would be ahead if we sold. And thus our adventure began! 

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