Arizona Fun

Gilbert-Movie in the park

Tonight we checked out the free movie in the park! Kids loved it! They open the community center so there are bathrooms free to use. There are a handful of vendors offering treats and food for sale. We packed a picnic and bought dessert there.

Best part- we ran into friends from Lylas school. Reminded me of back home where I ran into people I knew everywhere. Gilbert is MUCH bigger so that doesn’t happen all the time anymore, but when it does it’s awesome. Loved the small town feel at this event and we will absolutely go again. 

Next time we will get there an hour early to snag a better spot. Also, there is plenty of room to throw a football or Frisbee so we will bring one next time too. I also saw some people playing cards which I thought was an fun idea. It was nice to see so many families out, and very few on their phones. Families were engaged together and enjoying the beautiful weather and amazing movie- How to Train a Dragon! It’s these moments that I try to sit and enjoy. For a moment in time the kids were not bickering…. and everything was peaceful. Great Friday night!