Family and Kids

Things your kid should know- toilet knowledge

I don’t know about your kids, but my son can clog a toilet like no other. We’ve trained him to flush before he wipes, but at age 6, I was confident this was not happening every time.

While staying with my Mom (who’s plumbing is pretty out of date), my son began to repeatedly clog the toilet. Finally, we sat him down.

“First and foremost, your yell for Mom when the toilet is about to overflow needs to sound WAY more urgent…… like you are bleeding. Second, here is the knob you turn to stop the water BEFORE it overflows.”

Luckily he already knew righty tighty, lefty loosey. (Add that to the list of things your kid should know). He learned quickly, and from then on I was at least not mopping up fecal water.

Shortly there after, we taught him how to use the plunger. Now at age 7, about half the time he can handle the entire event of clogging and unclogging the toilet himself. This makes my life easier!

I want my kids to be as independent as possible. In college, so many of my peers had no idea how to do laundry, or write a check. These are fundamental life lessons! Knowing how to turn the water off on a toilet that’s about to overflow might also save your kid from major embarrassment at a friends house. In addition, it might save your bathroom floor from water getting underneath, causing major damage (Sorry Mom, he learned the lesson a little late). So, help your kid and yourself and teach them some basic toilet knowledge! While you’re at it, show them how to put the toilet paper roll on the RIGHT way.